Results for 'Karl Peter Kisker'

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    Mit den Augen eines Psychiaters.Karl Peter Kisker - 1976 - Stuttgart: Enke.
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  2. Statistical indifference of the new ethnomethodology.Karl-Peter Markl - 1982 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 89 (1):142-161.
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    Iv. logic and truth-finding in society and sociology.Karl-Peter Markl - 1980 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 23 (2):173 – 185.
    The question of sociological truth-finding is posed in the light of the view that logical formalizations, along with other arguments, only acquire relevance in illocutionary contexts, where it is not so much the abstract correctness of a sentence as the stating of it that counts. In order to become a counterfactual an argument requires its antecedent to be recognized as being contrary to the 'facts'. To this extent there is a clear link with 'reality' or with a view of the (...)
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    'Changing theDenkstil'–A Case Study in the History of Molecular Genetics.Karl Peter Ohly - 2002 - Science & Education 11 (2):155-167.
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    Schuld und Verantwortung: eine Grenzbeschreitung zwischen Tiefenpsychologie, Ethik und Existenzphilosophie.Karl-Peter Hubbertz - 1992 - Münster: Lit Verlag.
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    Analytische Politikphilosophie und ökonomische Rationalität.Karl-Peter Markl - 1985
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  7. "Die Natur der Dinge" oder Bericht aus Oxford.Karl-Peter Markl - 1977 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 84 (2):341.
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  8. Full Marx.Karl-Peter Markl - 1973 - Radical Philosophy 4:41.
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    Humanisten über ihre Kollegen: Eulogien, Klatsch und Rufmord.Karl Enenkel & Christian Peters (eds.) - 2018 - Berlin: Lit.
    Die Teilhabe an der lateinischen res publica litterarum der frühneuzeitlichen Fakultäten und Universitäten wurde mittels gemeinsamer literarischer Ausdrucksformen reguliert - zuweilen in Gestalt feingeistiger philologischer Kontroverse, zuweilen als wüste Polemik oder tosender Jubel. In Fallstudien zu Humanisten aus drei Jahrhunderten geht der Band der Frage nach, wie kollegiale Beziehungen literarisch inszeniert und innerhalb der Gelehrtengemeinschaft instrumentalisiert wurden. Diskursregeln und Kommunikationsbedingungen kommen dabei ebenso zur Sprache wie die Anwendung literarischer Modelle aus antiker und nachantiker Invektive, Satire und Panegyrik.
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    ATP puts the brake on DNA double‐strand break repair.Karl-Peter Hopfner - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (12):1170-1178.
    DNA double‐strand breaks (DSBs) are one of the most deleterious forms of DNA damage and can result in cell inviability or chromosomal aberrations. The Mre11‐Rad50‐Nbs1 (MRN) ATPase‐nuclease complex is a central player in the cellular response to DSBs and is implicated in the sensing and nucleolytic processing of DSBs, as well as in DSB signaling by activating the cell cycle checkpoint kinase ATM. ATP binding to Rad50 switches MRN from an open state with exposed Mre11 nuclease sites to a closed (...)
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    The historical-genetical approach to science teaching at the Oberstufen-Kolleg, Bielefeld.Wolf Misgeld, Karl Peter Ohly & Gottfrie Strobl - 2000 - Science & Education 9 (4):333-341.
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  12. Dialog mit Peter Wust, Briefe und Aufsätze.Karl Pfleger & Peter Wust - 1949 - Heidelberg,: F. H. Kerle. Edited by Peter Wust.
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  13. Dancing with the Sacred: Ecology, Evolution, and God.Karl E. Peters - 2002
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  14.  10
    "In allem tritt Gott uns entgegen": zum 50. Todestag von Romano Guardini.Karl-Heinz Wiesemann & Peter Reifenberg (eds.) - 2018 - Ostfildern: Matthias Grünewald Verlag.
    Romano Guardini gilt als einer der massgeblichen christlichen Denker des 20. Jahrhunderts. Seine Schriften, philosophische und theologische Abhandlungen, aber auch zahlreiche meditative und spirituelle Texte, haben eine weltweite Verbreitung gefunden und pragen ungebrochen bis heute Generationen von Leserinnen und Lesern. Der vorliegende Band, der aus Anlass des 50. Todestages Romano Guardinis am 1. Oktober 2018 sowie zur Eroffnung des Seligsprechungsprozesses erscheint, versammelt Beitrage namhafter Autorinnen und Autoren. Aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven widmen sie sich insbesondere Guardinis Buch "Der Herr" uber Person und (...)
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    Cultural group selection follows Darwin's classic syllogism for the operation of selection.Peter Richerson, Ryan Baldini, Adrian V. Bell, Kathryn Demps, Karl Frost, Vicken Hillis, Sarah Mathew, Emily K. Newton, Nicole Naar, Lesley Newson, Cody Ross, Paul E. Smaldino, Timothy M. Waring & Matthew Zefferman - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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    Opportunities of Change: An Economist's Perspective.Peter Karl Fleissner - 2012 - International Review of Information Ethics 18:12.
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    The Philosophy of Punishment and the History of Political Thought.Peter Karl Koritansky (ed.) - 2011 - University of Missouri.
    These are some of the many questions contemplated in these essays, which explore the contributions of nine major thinkers and traditions regarding the question of punitive justice.
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  18.  50
    The image of God as a model for humanization.Karl E. Peters - 1974 - Zygon 9 (2):98-125.
  19.  14
    The Samoyed Peoples and Languages.Karl H. Menges, Péter Hajdú & Peter Hajdu - 1965 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 (2):214.
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    Cultural group selection plays an essential role in explaining human cooperation: A sketch of the evidence.Peter Richerson, Ryan Baldini, Adrian V. Bell, Kathryn Demps, Karl Frost, Vicken Hillis, Sarah Mathew, Emily K. Newton, Nicole Naar, Lesley Newson, Cody Ross, Paul E. Smaldino, Timothy M. Waring & Matthew Zefferman - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39:e30.
    Human cooperation is highly unusual. We live in large groups composed mostly of non-relatives. Evolutionists have proposed a number of explanations for this pattern, including cultural group selection and extensions of more general processes such as reciprocity, kin selection, and multi-level selection acting on genes. Evolutionary processes are consilient; they affect several different empirical domains, such as patterns of behavior and the proximal drivers of that behavior. In this target article, we sketch the evidence from five domains that bear on (...)
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  21.  41
    Saving Experience in an Age of Science.Karl E. Peters - 2007 - Zygon 42 (4):825-828.
  22.  73
    The changing cultural context of the institute on religion in an age of science and zygon.Karl E. Peters - 2014 - Zygon 49 (3):612-628.
    Since Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science was founded 49 years ago and since one of its co-publishers, the Institute on Religion in an Age of Science (IRAS), was founded 60 years ago, there have been significant developments in their various cultural contexts—in science, in religion, in culture, in academia, and in the science and religion dialogue. This article is a personal remembrance and reflection that compares the context of IRAS in 1954 when it was first organized with the context (...)
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  23.  73
    Reflections on the Evolution of Morality.Karl E. Peters - 1999 - Zygon 34 (3):419-433.
    In my summary lecture at the IRAS 1997 Star Island Conference on the Evolution of Morality, I reflected on the thinking of other speakers in light of my own personal experience. My remarks were organized around five questions: (1) Do worldviews matter, and how do we decide if some matter more than others? (2) What does it mean to be moral? (3) What is the relation between biology and culture? (4) How does a scientific, sociobiological description of how we have (...)
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    Neuromodulatory activity of peripherally administered substance P.Peter Oehme, Winfried Krause & Karl Hecht - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (2):315-315.
  25.  64
    Human salvation in an evolutionary world: An exploration in Christian naturalism.Karl E. Peters - 2012 - Zygon 47 (4):843-869.
    In an evolutionary world, humans need “salvation” understood as restoring and maintaining well‐being or functioning well. Humans are embedded in, embodiments of, and emergent creative‐creatures of the universe. We have evolved also as ambivalent creatures—doing good, harm, and being bystanders while harm is being done. Multiple factors—for example, genetic, neurological, child developmental, and societal—contribute to malfunctioning and harmful behavior, and multiple religious and secular approaches help restore well‐being. I develop a view of Jesus as a “religious genius” who, grounded in (...)
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  26. In Appreciation for Twenty Years of Outstanding Editorial Leadership.Karl E. Peters - 2009 - Zygon 44 (3).
  27. Thomas Aquinas and the Euthyphro Dilemma.Peter Karl Koritansky - 2018 - Heythrop Journal 62 (6):1013-1024.
  28.  67
    Jesus and creativity. By Gordon D. Kaufman.Karl E. Peters - 2008 - Zygon 43 (1):277-281.
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    XXII. Zur chronologie der briefe des jüngeren Plinius.Carl Peter & Karl Schenkt - 1873 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 32 (4):698-710.
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    A Christian naturalism: Developing the thinking of Gordon Kaufman.Karl E. Peters - 2013 - Zygon 48 (3):578-591.
    This essay develops a theological naturalism using Gordon Kaufman's nonpersonal idea of God as serendipitous creativity in contrast to the personal metaphorical theology of Sallie McFague. It then develops a Christian theological naturalism by using Kaufman's idea of historical trajectories, specifically Jesus trajectory1 and Jesus trajectory2. The first is the trajectory in the early Christian church assuming a personal God in the framework of Greek philosophy that results in the Trinity. The second is the naturalistic-humanistic trajectory of creativity (God) that (...)
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    Long live the King! Beginnings loom larger than endings of past and recurrent events.Karl Halvor Teigen, Gisela Böhm, Susanne Bruckmüller, Peter Hegarty & Olivier Luminet - 2017 - Cognition 163 (C):26-41.
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    Religion and an evolutionary theory of knowledge.Karl E. Peters - 1982 - Zygon 17 (4):385-415.
    . This paper outlines an evolutionary theory of knowledge involving not only conceptual but also behavioral and experiential knowledge. It suggests human knowledge is continuous at the behavioral and experiential level with that of nonhuman animals. By contrasting an evolutionary understanding of ultimate reality with the more traditional, personalistic understanding, the paper shows how an evolutionary epistemology applies to religion in terms of both general and special revelation. Finally, the paper explores how one might respond to the problem of religious (...)
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  33.  42
    Living with the wicked problem of climate change.Karl E. Peters - 2018 - Zygon 53 (2):427-442.
    Outlining the characteristics of “wicked” and “super‐wicked” problems, climate change is considered as a global super‐wicked problem that is primarily about the future. Being global‐ and future‐oriented makes climate change something we have to learn to live with but cannot expect to solve. Because the Institute on Religion in an Age of Science (IRAS) is a multidisciplinary society that yokes the natural and social sciences with values, it is in a position to explore strategies for living with climate change—exemplified by (...)
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    Is Usury Still a Sin? Thomas Aquinas on the Justice and Injustice of Moneylending.Peter Karl Koritansky - unknown - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association:261-269.
    This paper examines Thomas Aquinas’s condemnation of usury. In the first section, the details of Thomas’s teaching are examined with special attention to the so-called “extrinsic titles” discussed in the Middle Ages as qualifications of the moral and legal strictures concerning moneylending. The reminder of the paper examines the particular extrinsic title of Lucrum Cessans (compensation for lost profit), which Thomas rejects, and attempts to square that rejection with other texts implying that compensation for lost profit is a requirement of (...)
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    Festkolloquium zu Ehren von Olaf Neumann.Karl-Heinz Schlote & Peter Ullrich - 2004 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 12 (2):117-120.
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    The “ghosts” of iras past and the changing cultural context of religion and science.Karl E. Peters - 2015 - Zygon 50 (2):329-360.
    Beginning with our cosmic ancestors and the 1950s ancestors of Institute on Religion in an Age of Science, this essay highlights the wider, post-World War II cultural context, including other science and religion organizations, in which IRAS was formed. It then considers eight challenges from today's context. From the context of science there are the challenge of scale that leads us to question our place in the scheme of things and can lead to a challenge to morale concerning whether we (...)
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  37.  46
    Empirical theology in the light of science.Karl E. Peters - 1992 - Zygon 27 (3):297-325.
  38. Cancellation, Negation, and Rejection.Niels Skovgaard-Olsen, Peter Collins, Karolina Krzyżanowska, Ulrike Hahn & Karl Christoph Klauer - 2019 - Cognitive Psychology 108:42-71.
    In this paper, new evidence is presented for the assumption that the reason-relation reading of indicative conditionals ('if A, then C') reflects a conventional implicature. In four experiments, it is investigated whether relevance effects found for the probability assessment of indicative conditionals (Skovgaard-Olsen, Singmann, and Klauer, 2016a) can be classified as being produced by a) a conversational implicature, b) a (probabilistic) presupposition failure, or c) a conventional implicature. After considering several alternative hypotheses and the accumulating evidence from other studies as (...)
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  39. Why zygon? The journal's original visions and the future of religion-and-science.Karl E. Peters - 2010 - Zygon 45 (2):430-436.
    This essay briefly examines the original visions of Zygon , how they helped explain the publication of a new journal, and what they imply for where we might be going today.
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    A Thomistic Analysis of the Hart-Fuller Debate.Peter Karl Koritansky - 2015 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 89:277-286.
    In 1958, the Harvard Law Review published a now-famous debate between H. L. A. Hart and Lon Fuller regarding the proposed connection between law and morality. Whereas Hart defended a broadly positivist conception of law, Fuller advanced a kind of natural law theory that has greatly influenced judicial interpretation in the United States. This paper examines the debate and provides a commentary in light of the natural law theory of Thomas Aquinas. Whereas it is not surprising that Aquinas would reject (...)
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    Cosmology and the meaning of human existence: options for contemporary physics and Eastern religions indexer-assigned title.Karl E. Peters - 1990 - Zygon 25:7-122.
  42. The Question of Punishment and the Contemporary Relevance of Thomas Aquinas.Peter Karl Koritansky - 2002 - Dissertation, University of Toronto (Canada)
    Justifying the human institution of punishment has been a central theme in the history of moral and political philosophy. At no time has this been more apparent than at the present, where this question has evoked a great debate between two schools of thought, namely, utilitarianism and retributivism. This thesis firstly attempts to articulate the central questions underlying this debate and to articulate the powerful criticisms each side renders against one another. It is our thesis that, whereas each side seems (...)
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  43.  94
    Understanding and responding to human evil: A multicausal approach.Karl E. Peters - 2008 - Zygon 43 (3):681-704.
    One task of religion is delivering human beings from evil within and between themselves. Defining good as well-being or functioning well, evil as impaired functioning, and doing evil as impairing the functioning of others, this essay explores how religions in consort with other social institutions might understand and respond to evil in light of contemporary scientific knowledge. To understand evil I use a multicausal approach that includes both biological and sociocultural environmental causes. I illustrate the use of this approach by (...)
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    A Thomistic Analysis of the Hart-Fuller Debate in advance.Peter Karl Koritansky - forthcoming - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association.
  45.  53
    What Might Interoceptive Inference Reveal about Consciousness?Niia Nikolova, Peter Thestrup Waade, Karl J. Friston & Micah Allen - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13 (4):879-906.
    The mainstream science of consciousness offers a few predominate views of how the brain gives rise to awareness. Chief among these are the Higher-Order Thought Theory, Global Neuronal Workspace Theory, Integrated Information Theory, and hybrids thereof. In parallel, rapid development in predictive processing approaches have begun to outline concrete mechanisms by which interoceptive inference shapes selfhood, affect, and exteroceptive perception. Here, we consider these new approaches in terms of what they might offer our empirical, phenomenological, and philosophical understanding of consciousness (...)
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  46. Malcolm R. Sutherland, 1916–2003.Karl E. Peters - 2004 - Zygon 39 (2):523-524.
  47.  78
    Neurotheology and Evolutionary Theology: Reflections on the Mystical Mind.Karl E. Peters - 2001 - Zygon 36 (3):493-500.
    Eugene d’Aquili and Andrew B. Newberg in their book The Mystical Mind suggest that their neurotheology is both a metatheology and a megatheology. In this commentary I question whether neurotheology is comprehensive enough and suggest that it needs to and possibly can take into account the moral and social dimensions of religion. I then propose an alternative metatheology and megatheology: evolutionary theology grounded in the science of biocultural evolution and focusing on ultimate reality as creatively immanent in natural and human (...)
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  48. What is zygon: Journal of religion and science?: Purpose, history, and financial goals.Karl E. Peters - 1988 - Zygon 23 (4):489-496.
    This editorial statement describes the purpose of Zygon and the need for such a journal. It then sketches the history of the journal and of its financial affairs. Next it proposes some development projects to expand the impact of the journal around the world, to develop Zygon leadership, and to establish more firmly Zygon's financial base. The statement opens and closes with the news of Zygon's receiving a Gift Subscription Challenge Grant.
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    An Introduction to the Thai (Siamese) Language for European Students.Karl V. Teeter & Peter A. Lanyon-Orgill - 1958 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 78 (1):76.
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    Evolutionary naturalism: Survival as a value.Karl E. Peters - 1980 - Zygon 15 (2):213-222.
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